Mike Sterling

Recent Posts

Is a US-made Rocket Engine in Our Future?

Posted by Mike Sterling

Aug 28, 2014 5:13:00 AM

Recently the head of the US Air Force Space Command, Gen. William Shelton, said he believes now is the time for the United State to begin developing a new engine.

US_Defense_NewsAccording to the Defense News article he believes that a national program would be a good place to start. Currently the engine used on the United Launch Alliance Atlas V launch vehicle is supplied by Russia, which could cause problems with supply in the future.

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Topics: Manufacturing for the Military

Additive Manufacturing in the Aerospace Industry

Posted by Mike Sterling

Jul 29, 2014 5:35:00 AM

Last year we wrote a blog about 3D printing in the aerospace industry, and over the past 12 months it seems we have continued to see buzz within the industry.

Additive_MfgRecently companies like GNK Aerospace and others have announced plans to research techniques for additive manufacturing.

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Topics: Manufacturing news

How New Medical Device Regulations will Impact US Manufacturers

Posted by Mike Sterling

Jun 25, 2014 6:16:00 AM

2015 may prove to be the year of new regulations.

Medical_Device_RegulationsFirst the European Union may adopt new medical device regulations, which were first proposed by the European Commission in 2012, and secondly, there will be updates to ISO 9001 guidelines.

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Topics: Medical manufacturing

Conflict Minerals and the Supply Chain

Posted by Mike Sterling

May 28, 2014 5:39:00 AM

At Ardel we are always monitoring industry news and one issue we’ve been watching recently is about conflict mineral statements.

about-usIn 2010 the Dodd-Frank Wall Street Reform and Consumer Protection Act was passed to help bring about financial reforms in the wake of the Great Recession. In an effort to help promote financial stability the act also includes provisions to dissuade companies from engaging in trade that supports regional conflicts. These provisions are now causing manufacturers to take a closer look at their supply chain as publicly traded companies must now be in compliance.

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Topics: Manufacturing news

Secondary Processes for the Aerospace and Defense Industries

Posted by Mike Sterling

Apr 28, 2014 1:29:00 PM

At Ardel, we specialize in working with the aerospace industry.

Ardel_Commercial_Space_FlightNot only is our machine shop outfitted with the latest precision machines, but we are also able to provide secondary processes such as plating and heat treating through our approved vendors.

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Topics: Heating and Plating

Defense Priority in Manufacturing

Posted by Mike Sterling

Mar 27, 2014 6:22:00 AM

There are many rules and regulations governing the manufacturing sector, including the Defense Production Act, which helps to ensure the military is properly prepared.

Defense_PriorityThe Act was passed in 1950 during the Korean War and was a part of a broad civil defense and war mobilization effort during the Cold War. The Act allows the president to issue executive orders for purchases that need to be completed quickly in order to maintain national security. It allows the president to establish regulations, orders, etc to allocate materials, services, and facilities to promote national defense. Finally, it also authorizes the president to control the civilian economy so that scare or critical materials necessary to national defense are available.

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Topics: Manufacturing for the Military, Military, Manufacturing news

Manufacturing with Military Compliances: NADCAP and DFARS

Posted by Mike Sterling

Jan 10, 2014 4:53:00 AM

For a machining job shop that does regular contract work with government organizations, some key certifications and qualifications often need to be met.

MachiningIn our last blog, we talked about the ITAR certification, but there are several more regulations and accreditations that are crucial for work with any job with government involvement or oversight.

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Topics: Manufacturing for the Military

ITAR at Ardel

Posted by Mike Sterling

Dec 30, 2013 8:04:00 AM

Among the many certifications that a metalworking job shop might have for quality, sourcing, and other specifications, one certification is nearly ubiquitous among military contracts, and many jobs involving weaponry or communications: ITAR.

ITARITAR stands for “International Traffic in Arms Regulations” and relates to the design, manufacturing process, and sale and distribution of any of these kinds of products.

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Topics: itar, Manufacturing Certifications

Examining the Supply Chain: Pursuing Longer-term Partnerships

Posted by Mike Sterling

Oct 25, 2013 5:34:00 AM

There are many factors that contribute to a manufacturing business’s success; quality of product, customer service, proper and current equipment, necessary certifications, and many other things are all factors in the ever-changing algorithm of successful business strategy.

MillingHowever, a recent article I read got me thinking about a major factor that I’d like to take some time here in our blog to examine: supplier relationships.

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Topics: Ardel News, Manufacturing news

Progressive Improvement – Monitoring New Manufacturing Methods

Posted by Mike Sterling

Aug 5, 2013 7:49:00 AM

At Ardel, we’re always keeping our eyes on new technologies, from force of habit, and to see if they would add any kind of value to the services we provide our customers.

Monitoring_New_Mfg_MethodsLately, there has been a lot of attention and buzz about additive manufacturing, or “3D” printing – we’d like to weigh in on the subject, and also explore other similar technologies from the perspective of a mid-size manufacturer and custom CNC shop.

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