The Latest Trends in CNC Machined Materials

Posted by Mike Sterling

Aug 20, 2019 2:27:49 PM

CNC machining is a manufacturing process known for its versatility. Manufacturers use the process to create high quality, custom-designed parts and products for a wide range of industries from virtually any type of material. Typical machined materials include metal, plastic, wood, foam, and fiberglass.

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Topics: Machining

When Is Swiss Machining the Right Choice?

Posted by Mike Sterling

May 6, 2015 9:45:00 AM

Automotive, consumer electronics, and IT are among some of the most popular applications.

Swiss screw machines are a type of automated lathe capable of machining turned parts. It was invented in Switzerland to manufacture precision components, and is operated by mounting a work piece on a rotary slide. These machines are better than their counterpart, Turret screw machines, which are operated by mounting the work piece on a vertical ram and working it into the lathe.

Of the two varieties of screw machines, the Swiss variety is far better suited for machining modern precision components. Swiss screw machines themselves are designated into two types—CNC and automatic.

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Topics: Machining

A Closer Look at Our Manufacturing Capabilities

Posted by Mike Sterling

Mar 27, 2012 5:30:00 AM

We’ve noticed a twofold trend in today’s manufacturing world.

On the one hand, there’s an ever-growing need for ever more specific, individualized products and components with high precision tolerances. Oftentimes the work order involves designing or fabricating a one-off or a prototype for a highly customized application. But on the other hand, there’s another trend at work: the need for ever more competitive pricing; the need for greater production volume that uses leaner manufacturing; the need for higher quality parts and products with lower environmental impact, quicker turnaround, and the like. Somewhere in the middle of all this turbulence and paradox, a manufacturer needs to stand on solid ground, and know what he or she is all about.

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Topics: Machining

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