Examining the Supply Chain: Pursuing Longer-term Partnerships

Posted by Mike Sterling

Oct 25, 2013 5:34:00 AM

There are many factors that contribute to a manufacturing business’s success; quality of product, customer service, proper and current equipment, necessary certifications, and many other things are all factors in the ever-changing algorithm of successful business strategy.

MillingHowever, a recent article I read got me thinking about a major factor that I’d like to take some time here in our blog to examine: supplier relationships.

The old saying about the weakest link in the chain bears significance here: if any piece of your supply chain is inefficient, unreliable, or stagnant, the potential quality of your product, and therefore your service to your clients, is impeded. Conversely stated, the more efficient, more reliable, and more innovative and adaptive your suppliers are, the better for both you and your client.

This is why at Ardel, we place such high importance on long-term partnerships with our customers – each is an investment that can’t be calculated just in dollars and cents. There is a mutual benefit to ensuring the stability and health of relationship: a partnership may continue to provide business flow on both ends, and therefore increase the stability of the supply chain, and the potential for great customer service for the manufacturer. Rather than a job-specific numbers crunch to find the extreme lowest price point available, manufacturers ought to consider the benefits of establishing longer term partnerships with trusted suppliers – it can be a great longer term investment that translates into positive value for supplier, manufacturer, and purchaser. Contact us today to learn more.

Topics: Ardel News, Manufacturing news

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