The Challenges of 3D Printing

Posted by Mike Sterling

Jul 21, 2015 2:00:00 PM

For years now we have been monitoring the progress of 3D printing, AKA additive manufacturing, as the technologies, techniques, and interest in it advance.

As industries slowly begin to embrace this new technology, we will explore some of the challenges faced with integrating this new capability.

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Topics: 3d printing, additive manufacturing

5 Advantages of 3D Printing

Posted by Mike Sterling

Jul 7, 2015 3:00:00 PM

Complex designs, mass customization, and cost effectiveness are among the benefits of this innovative technology.

3D printing has recently been capturing an unprecedented number of headlines, even though the technology has been around since the 1980s. Also known as additive manufacturing, 3D printing can fuse layers of powdered material via a laser, and disburse melted plastic or a similar material through nozzles. The technology essentially fabricates a product layer by layer based on a design file.

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Topics: 3d printing, additive manufacturing

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