Store Fixtures and Banner Stands: Ardel Gets into the Advertising Biz

Posted by Mike Sterling

Sep 5, 2012 5:30:00 AM

You might think, what with our website and our long-running social media presence, that our company has some extensive background in the advertising industry. Well, if you’d thought that, you’d be correct. While we try simply to report the facts and figures in regards to our own company – and simply let our capabilities do most of the real “talking” – we’ve done some serious manufacturing work on behalf of… well, advertising companies. In fact, one of the most prominent agencies in the Twin Cities advertising world habitually contracts us to build the framework for in-store fixtures and drive-thru banner stands.

In-store fixtures and drive-thru banner stands are the types of advertising you encounter so ubiquitously that you almost (emphasis on almost) don’t realize you’ve seen them. They’re the in-store displays at malls, department stores, and airports that fill you in about the latest cell phone calling plan, or the latest fitness offerings from a fitness chain. Likewise, drive-thru banner stands advertising that can be glimpsed anywhere from drive-thru bank kiosks to fast-food drive-thru lanes: colorful or conservative, subtle or bold-faced, these are the kinds of ads that oftentimes don’t get the credit they deserve in propelling the consumer economy. Everyone loves talking about digital signage and RFID tracking technologies, but let’s face it: conventional banner stand advertising still performs its job, and does so very, very well.

If you have any questions about the kinds of stands and frames we can provide for your company – whether you’re in advertising or whether you’re in need of good advertising – contact us at Ardel today. We’re the right fit for any kind of job.

Topics: Ardel News

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