Recession or No, the Wind Is in Our Sails When It Comes to New Quotes

Posted by Mike Sterling

Jul 31, 2012 5:54:00 AM

Ardel can say with empirical certainty that our business traffic has picked up considerably. 

Whatever these unforeseeable times have in store for our country; whether we are still in the midst of a recession, a Great Recession, a recovery from recession, or a “dead cat bounce” that will ultimately lead us back into yet another stretch of recession; whatever the case may be for America, we at Ardel can say with empirical certainty that our business traffic has picked up considerably. facility

New companies and clients in sectors we previously had little contact with seem suddenly to be knocking at our gates, asking for engineering advice, input, and – of course – our time and investment in their individual projects. We’ve been more than happy to oblige. Without naming any names, aerospace orders seem to be flocking our way, as are orders from companies involved with precision metrology. Word seems to be getting around that our engineering staff and state-of-the-art machinery aren’t just idle social media chitchat; that in fact these things are measured capabilities we are more than able to back up with results.

Not only has business picked up, and profit margins expanded, but we’ve found ourselves contributing to helping our own local economy by providing new jobs to skilled manufacturers. New salespeople have been hired to deal with new clients and sectors of industry. A new quality control manager is making his vital presence felt around here. And we’ve hired additional night-shift machinists to allow us the means of meeting the sudden, round-the-clock demand for our skills and services. Additionally, we have a new piece of leading-edge machinery coming our way. In short, we are expanding not only our working staff but our technological wherewithal. It’s already showing in the quality of the work we’ve been churning out for recent clients, and it’s only going to stay that way as far as we’re concerned: recession or no.

Topics: Ardel News, Aerospace

During these unprecendented times, China Complex Parts is open and fully supporting our customers while ensuring the health and safety of our employees.

We are taking extra precautions to protect our workforce and to maintain a safe work environment, while remaining in compliance with federal, state and local laws and declarations.

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