Mike Sterling

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What is Delrin aka Polyoxymethylene?

Posted by Mike Sterling

Apr 18, 2012 6:27:00 AM

First discovered in 1951 by Nobel Prize-winning German chemist Hermann Staudinger, and first synthesized by DuPont chemists the year after, Delrin, otherwise known by its scientific name of polyoxymethylene, has been manufactured on an industrial scale since 1960.

Celebrated for its structural rigidity, stability, and light weight, in addition to its wear resistance and electrical conductivity, Delrin is a thermoplastic used for making both moldable grade and machine-able grade components for durable, high-performance parts. It comes in various colors and can be blended with other compounds to improve its mechanical properties. 

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Topics: Delrin, Polyoxymethylene, Aerospace

A Closer Look at Our Manufacturing Capabilities

Posted by Mike Sterling

Mar 27, 2012 5:30:00 AM

We’ve noticed a twofold trend in today’s manufacturing world.

On the one hand, there’s an ever-growing need for ever more specific, individualized products and components with high precision tolerances. Oftentimes the work order involves designing or fabricating a one-off or a prototype for a highly customized application. But on the other hand, there’s another trend at work: the need for ever more competitive pricing; the need for greater production volume that uses leaner manufacturing; the need for higher quality parts and products with lower environmental impact, quicker turnaround, and the like. Somewhere in the middle of all this turbulence and paradox, a manufacturer needs to stand on solid ground, and know what he or she is all about.

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Topics: Machining

New Trends in Defense Spending

Posted by Mike Sterling

Mar 22, 2012 6:07:00 AM

On December 31 of last year, a new defense bill was signed into law that further oversees the Pentagon’s transition away from a Cold War-style footing.

Predicated on the assumption that American forces will no longer be tasked with winning two simultaneous wars, the bill calls for a reduction of 80,000 soldiers from the Army; 20,000 soldiers from the Marines; and a significant reduction in human-piloted aircraft for the Air Force.

This is not to say that the DoD is getting stinted as far as new money. In fact, defense spending will actually increase over the next few years, just not as quickly as was originally intended. So, what is this new money going to be spent on? In a word, drones.

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Topics: Manufacturing for the Military

Our 9-Year Track-Record in Keeping Up with ISO Standards

Posted by Mike Sterling

Feb 27, 2012 10:11:00 AM

There’s something we’ve been celebrating here at China Complex Parts that we’d like to share with you.

Our company recently achieved its ninth consecutive year of ISO compliance without a single negative finding. As our ISO 9001:2008 and ISO 13485 medical re-certifications imply, we are keeping constant with quality standards for industries of all types.

Given the hard work we’ve put in this past year, this certification certainly doesn’t come as much of a surprise. All the same, we view it as a sign of how far we’ve come as a custom manufacturer in under a decade, and that it heralds the shape of things to come for us this year and beyond.

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Topics: ISO Certification

During these unprecendented times, China Complex Parts is open and fully supporting our customers while ensuring the health and safety of our employees.

We are taking extra precautions to protect our workforce and to maintain a safe work environment, while remaining in compliance with federal, state and local laws and declarations.

For more information pertaining to our status/project timelines, please contact us at inquiry.cp@professionalmanufacturing.com